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The school ‘single signon’ system

The school has a 'Single Signon' (SSO) directory, which gives access to a number of school-wide resources.

As of early/mid 2018, this gives access to the undergraduate Linux machine brutha, the JupyterHub service, and new desktop installs. This directory also gives access to the ssh bastion login hosts, which are one of the ways you can log in to school machines..

There are various other sets of logins/accounts within P&A.

There are three different categories of accounts in this system: undergrad/GUID, staff/GUID and staff/local.

The GUID-based accounts use your GUID as the username, and authenticate using the campus GUID system, but they are nonetheless a distinct account from the campus-wide one. Most of the time, you shouldn't have to care about the difference, but the campus IT helpdesk, for example, doesn't know about these local accounts, and a fortiori doesn't support them.

On the SSO identity page, you can:

The SSO identity service is only available on-campus (which includes using the VPN).