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Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act (which has a Scottish version, and has amendments) is distinct from the DPA, and other data protection legislation, but requires something of the same mindset.

An FoI ‘Subject access request’ requests a copy of all personal data related to an individual (that includes emails and other documents mentioning them, and also requires trawling through any off-line archives of work email that you hold).

Note: Someone does not have to say ‘...and this is a FOI request’ for it to be one.

Note: And if you are a member of staff of the University, then the University has received the request when you have (and the clock starts ticking). That is, you can't say ‘...so take it to the FOI Office’.

If anything looks like it might be an FoI request, talk to IT support staff, or to foi@gla.ac.uk. The University has guidance available.

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