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Windows Remote Desktop - using the "classic" client

This should be installed by default in a normal Windows install. Find it in the Start menu or search for "Remote Desktop Connection".

Remote Desktop Connection icon

Default usage §

When the RDP client starts you will see this window:

Remote Desktop Connection initial dialog

If you are on campus or connected to the VPN then you can just type the address of the system (e.g. machinename.physics.gla.ac.uk) and you should be able to connect with the default settings, assuming the user has permission to log on remotely. This includes using your entire screen for the display of the remote system. Move the pointer to the top center of the screen to reveal a pop-down menu bar that can be used to control the window (minimise or close it).

Options §

Click on "Show Options" to access the full set of configuration tabs.

User credentials

In the "General" tab you can specify the username you want to use, to save you typing it in each time. You will need to specify the domain as well (unless you are connecting to a system on the same domain). See the discussion in RDP. The client remembers the last 10 computers you connect to, for convenience.

Remote Desktop Connection expanded dialog

Note that you can tick the box to save credentials, which will remember the password after you connect the first time.

You can save the settings to an RDP file, and then double-clicking on that file will automatically launch the connection.

Choosing the screen size

In the "Display" tab you can choose the size of the virtual display that will be used. The default here is all the way to the right, which is the full size of your screen. You can slide this back to choose a smaller virtual display if desired.

Remote Desktop Connection display tab

Note you can also reduce the colour depth. Reducing this to 16 bit should halve the network bandwidth required.

If you choose full screen, you can control the

Configuring RDP Gateway

If you want to use the RDP Gateway system this can be configured by switching to the "Advanced" tab:

Remote Desktop Connection advanced tab

And choose "Settings" to reveal the gateway configuration dialog:

Remote Desktop Connection gateway dialog

Select "Use these RD Gateway server settings" and enter the server address remotedesktop.gla.ac.uk . For "Logon method" choose "Ask for password".

A note on the "Bypass RD Gateway server for local addresses" setting. This only appears to work when you are on the same IP subnet as the target system. So even if you are connecting from one Kelvin Building system to another, if you specify a gateway server it will probably use it, slowing things up.

Note that when the client remembers the connection settings, it will remember the gateway setting (and display and everything else). This means you can't have a convenient shortcut to the same target system with and without the gateway set. This is where saving the connection settings is useful - you can save specific profiles with and without a gateway specified.

Connecting §

To connect click the 'Connect' button (after running the VPN client first, if necessary). The client will connect first to the gateway (if specified), and then to the target system, asking for passwords in the process.

Remote Desktop Connection credentials

You will probably get a certificate warning when connecting to the target system, unless you are connecting between systems on the same domain (i.e. from one GUPHYSICS desktop to another). You shouldn't get a warning about the GU gateway system.

Remote Desktop Connection certificate warning

The screen of the remote system should then appear. Note that this may be delayed if you are logging on to the system, rather than reconnecting to an existing login session.

If you have set the display as 'Full screen' you can minimise the RDP window by moving the pointer to the middle top of the screen - a small menu bar should drop down.