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School of Physics and Astronomy – computing
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Periodic update (2024 March)

News and other updates for early 2024. This is an update on the 2023 December summary, Q very much V.

The Network Programme – Kelvin updates in late 2024 (still) §

The Network Programme is still roughly on schedule. Phase 5 is due to be funded in Q3 of 2024. Though we remain optimistic that the Kelvin Building is high on the list for attention, there are no guarantees. This programme is when Eduroam will be upgraded in the building.

...ie, no change from the last report. This is still broadly on schedule.

Managed laptops – Jamf/‘MyMac’ §

All Apple devices bought by the University are now appearing automatically enrolled in the ‘MyMac’ programme.

College IT §

The ‘transformation’ to a College IT service is due to be live on 1 May 2024. From then, IT support will become a college function, as opposed to being school-specific. This process includes thoughts about ‘research computing’ and ‘edtech’. Support will primarily be via Ivanti, rather than the phas_it address.

Though the details have yet to be finalised, this will be split into

The new structure includes all of the people currently in school IT roles across the college, and creates some new vacancies.

Other §

Links §

Any questions, phas-it@glasgow.ac.uk is hanging on the telephone, awaiting your call.
