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Email migration (2019 March 20)

Mail accounts in various domains, including @glasgow.ac.uk and @research.gla.ac.uk are being migrated to Office365 at the beginning of next week: Tuesday 26 March. This should be straightforward, but people using IMAP servers (ie, everyone who isn't using Exchange) may have to do some manual reconfiguration.

The University is migrating from an ‘on the premises’ Exchange server to a cloud-based one, hosted by Microsoft's Office365 service. The most noticeable results for most people should be:

This will happen for P&A on the morning of Tuesday 26 March (or rather, overnight the night before). COSE honorary staff will be migrated on Monday 25 March. All undergraduate accounts, incidentally, have already been migrated.

This should all happen straightforwardly: various IT staff within the school have been migrated early, and have confirmed that the transition works, on a variety of mail clients.

Short version:

In most IMAP cases, the best plan seems to be to delete the account from the client, and re-add it according to the above instructions. From IT staff members' experience, Thunderbird seems to be able to cope with simply changing the relevant server names, but if that doesn't work for you, then... delete and re-add.

For further information, see

Additional observations:

If you have any problems, you should be able to get more help from group-local IT staff and from the central IT helpdesk.